UPN [V] Yogyakarta

Uiversitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta merupakan Universitas yang menjunjung tinggi nilai Disiplin, Kejuangan dan Kreativitas.

Sistem Operasi Android

Android merupakan sistem operasi yang berbasis Linux untuk telepon seluler seperti telepon pintar dan komputer tablet. Android menyediakan platform terbuka bagi para pengembang untuk menciptakan aplikasi mereka sendiri.

Sistem Operasi Linux

Linux merupakan nama yang diberikan kepada sistem operasi komputer bertipe Unix. Linux merupakan salah satu contoh hasil pengembangan perangkat lunak bebas dan Open Sourse.

Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah

Banjarnegara adalah salah satu Kabupaten di Jawa Tengah bagian barat dengan luas wilayah 106,970,99 Ha,terdiri dari 20 Kecamatan 253 Desa dan 12 Kelurahan.

indra's tips & tricks

Friday, October 30, 2009

Microsoft Outlook 2007: Optimaling Size Email with HTML Format

In order for e-mail size is not too large, Outlook 2007 has a feature to reduce the size of e-mail automatically is to remove some tag information that is not influential in setting the e-mail display. With this technique, we can send an e-mail HTML format with a relatively small size and save bandwidth.

To optimize the e-mail HTML format, do these steps:

1. Run Microsoft Outlook via the Start menu> All Programs> Microsoft Office> Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.

Next version of FrontPage 2003 (Sharepoint Designer 2007)

Still remembered with Microsoft Frontpage 2003? SharePoint Designer 2007 is a version of the sequel. In FrontPage you are pampered with a variety of convenience and facilities, especially in this latest version. This program is specifically designed for

management of web-based application that has a powerful device, which display interesting and attractive .. You are eligible to use it, and the more sensational, this program without pay, download below

Free Download Sharepoint Designer 2007

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Creating Transparency Effects in PowerPoint 2007

Sometimes we need a clip art image that appears transparent in our PowerPoint presentation. For example as the background of a paragraph that blend in with the original background image.

For that do the following steps:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Create PDF from Microsoft Office 2007

Your boss asks you to send reports in PDF format? You need a client or your business info, but you do not want to give them the Word document? Or you want a presentation, but the client's office could not run the PowerPoint file? Easy solution! Simply by doing the Save As PDF in Office documents, then all the problems like the example above could be resolved. No need to buy other software, which sometimes needs a large cost. Simply download a small utility SaveAsPDF from the Microsoft website at the link below, save lives, then install. Without pay

2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF

The way to install it is:

Insert a File in the Document Footer MS-Word 2007

Many times when working with documents, we may want to include a file in the document footer. This is a relatively simple procedure. Below will explain how to enter the file path to include files into Word 2007. Here are the steps: